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Nature Education



Our WCK Explorers attend a mix of indoor, outdoor and nature experiences to inspire joyful learning.



                                    Walking Woombye Land    
         children activity involved their local community  


Having Woombye Village as our backyard offers our WCK Explorers the opportunity to learn beyond fence.


 WCK Explorers “Walk Woombye land”, enabling a deep connection to community, to land and to county. 


Our WCK Explorers have many opportunities to visit the local Woombye library, local parks, Woombye state school, to work in the community garden, and connect to the local business - Woombye hardware, 

Woombye vet.  


Connecting with their local community and learning  about our local indigenous cultural, history, and the uniqueness of our Woombye Village and identity. 


 “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.”  Rachel Carlson

The Green house farm is a special place where children can connect to nature, and play while leaning about caring for animals, the environment, healthy eating, and sustainability..


Set on 35 acres of beautiful Hinterland country located in nearby Kureelpa, only 13 minutes from Woombye. Our WCK Explorers have the opportunity to spend the whole day all year around on a hobby farm. 


The farmland features many paddocks, hills and flat areas with tree pockets and nooks and crannies, a river, fruit trees and garden beds for the children to explore. 


The farm is the home of various farm animals including dogs, horses, ponies, cows, donkeys, and pigs offering the opportunity for the Explorers to get up close to a donkey, to hear the sounds they make. and see first-hand that the pigs are not the pink Rebeca of a pink Disney cartoon pig!  


The children help to look after the animals on the little farm, broadening their understanding of the world in which they live through learning about animals that we share our planet with, the environment in which they live and what we can do to care for them.   They work in veggie garden, plant, grow, harvest, prepare and sell the produce and come to know the cycle of seasons and connected nature of life.


Green House Farm


“Living where landscape is part of your life” Amy Irvine

We are so lucky to have a strong community here in Woombye.  We have been gifted by local community members Jill and Milos’s their back yard for our WCK Explorers to partake in a bush kinda, nature education program.  Milo and Jill’s is  a beautiful lawn and bush block where children have time to  connect with their local landscape through play learning  and practising bush skills and gaining knowledge. 


Located within walking distance of our Woombye centre, groups of children enjoy spending time exploring the outdoors, playing learning, and connecting with nature at Milo and Jill's place.  


The Bush block is a beautiful 6-acre area of lawn and natural bush.  It features, tall trees, flowering bushes and plants, fruit trees, a running creek, and is the home to chickens, ducks and stingless bees. 


Visiting all day and all year round allows children to see and experience the seasonal changes occurring in the creek and in the bush, having real adventures and discoveries, learning real skills, knowledge and lifelong values.  



Bush Kinda - Milo and Jill's Place

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